If you want to save money on your health insurance you need to check your cover details carefully. A good health insurance broker can help to make this easy for you. We spend time with our clients listening to what is important to them in terms of cover and benefits. We can then provide quotes based on their unique and specific needs.
- Nobody wants to pay more for a health insurance policy than they have to.
- Nobody wants to have cover for benefits that they will never use.
Can you afford an excess?
If you know you can afford to pay an excess on your policy then this will help you to reduce your premium. The higher the excess, the more you can save money on your health insurance policy.
What hospitals do you want covered?
If you are not worried about having access to the higher charging hospitals or you are happy to let your insurer specify which consultant or medical facility you use, this could offer you great savings on your private medical insurance.
Consider who is covered on your policy?
If you have cover on one policy for you and your family but only the main member has claimed, it might be worth looking to split the cover. If you have separate policies this could save money on your health insurance. Especially if you have children over the age of 18.
Don’t let your policy auto-renew.
Even if you do not want to change health insurance provider it is always worth looking at the market for more competitive quotations. You never know, you may be eligible for a discount. If you let your health insurance policy auto-renew every year, you might pay more than you need to.
There are many other ways to make savings on your health insurance policy whether you are an individual, family, small business or corporate scheme.
The team at SMP Healthcare would be thrilled to help you see what is available at your next renewal.
If you are new to health insurance, let us provide you with a market review to help you make an informed decision about your cover before you buy a policy.
You can contact us:
email enquiries@smphealthcare.com
telephone: 01245 929129/ 0800 047 0127