UK Private Medical Insurance policies feature a “Core” cover which include many health care benefits. This core cover generally includes In-patient and Day-patient treatment. With the core cover in place you can then look at the other benefits available to you. The majority of Health Insurance policies are modular and therefore you can choose a policy that suits your own needs.
What is In-patient cover?
In-patient is a term used by Insurers when referring to a policyholder that requires admission into hospital for treatment of a condition where they will occupy a bed overnight, or longer following a procedure.
What is Day-patient cover?
Day-patient is a term used by Insurers when referring to a policyholder who requires admission to hospital or a Day-patient unit for treatment which requires them to be medically supervised for a period of time following a procedure but they aren’t required to occupy a bed overnight.
What is In-patient and Day-patient cover under your Private Medical Insurance policy?
In-patient and Day-patient cover can be broken down into three parts.
Hospital Charges – Include costs relating to accommodation and meals, nursing care, drugs and surgical dressings and theatre fees. You must make sure the hospital you are being treated at is on your chosen hospital list.
Specialist Fees – Providing your consultant is recognised by your insurer, specialist fees as an in-patient and day-patient will be paid up to the limit within the specific insurers fee schedule.
Diagnostic Tests – This will include costs for things like blood tests, x-rays, ECG’s and scans, including MRI, CT and PET scans.
You must pre-authorise your private healthcare treatment before you have your treatment. By doing so you can ensure that the hospital is recognised and the consultant is fee assured which means you will have no shortfalls in payment for your treatment.
What other additional benefits are available under an insurers Core cover?
Core cover on your health insurance has a variety of benefits and can also include cover for the following:
– NHS cash benefit
– Private Ambulance
– Baby Bonus
– GP Helplines
– Home Nursing
How SMP Healthcare can help you as your specialist Health Insurance Broker
Every Private Medical Insurance policy is different. The team at SMP Healthcare can help you compare cover options on a new policy or at the renewal of your current policy. If you would like to work with an independent broker, please get in touch:
Telephone 01245 929 129 or email