Private health insurance for cancer claims

At SMP Healthcare the question about health insurance for cancer claims is one we are often asked. Looking at statistics of 1 in 2 people being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. People want to know that their health insurance will help them get a quick diagnosis of all medical conditions. Especially cancer.

Cancer Research UK confirm that almost 4 in 10 cases of cancer could be prevented.  Smoking and obesity are two well-known preventable causes of cancer.

How the insurance companies try to help

Health insurance providers such as Vitality Health encourage their members to live healthier lifestyles. Smoking cessation via the Allen Carr’s Easy Way programme and membership to WW is included within their rewards plan. Vitality Health are encouraging their members to reduce their chances of falling ill because of their own lifestyle choices.

Bupa are even offering their members the option to call at the very first signs of cancer. Depending on the symptoms and cover in place, the Bupa advisers could refer you to a specialist straight away. No waiting for a GP appointment, no two week waiting list. This is another breakthrough in cover from the health insurance sector.

Cancer claims are generally very costly. Insurance companies want to ensure that their members access speedy diagnosis to improve the rates of recovery.

What do Insurance companies cover for cancer claims?

Health insurance policies in the UK give very specific clarification of what cover they provide for cancer. We know that early diagnosis gives people the very best chance of recovery. Having private medical insurance in place that offers cover for cancer claims can prove to be an invaluable. Cover for cancer claims is available on policies whether on an individual or company basis.

*Looking specifically at the NHS Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) statistics from September 2019 covered under the Local Authority of Chelmsford, it is evident that the targets for cancer treatment are not being met with only 69.6% of patients having their first cancer treatment within 62 days of an urgent GP referral. With the national target shown as 85% and the target for England at 79.1%, these statistics are certainly a concern for patients within the Chelmsford area.

If you would like to know about the statistics relating to cancer treatment in your local area, please follow the link below.

SMP Healthcare would be happy to help you find a health insurance policy that will offer you great cover for cancer claims.  Please contact us either by telephone or email and we will explain the options available for you.


Telephone 01245 929129

*information sourced from