If you are diagnosed with a major illness, a critical illness policy would pay you a tax-free lump sum. This can be spent in any way you see fit. You may decide to spend it towards private health care costs or pay off outstanding debts. Being able to spend the time you have left in the way you choose, without any financial worries, is priceless.
Critical illness/serious illness cover:
There are many different categories of critical illness, and each insurer has their own definition of what they would include. Eligible claims depend on the severity of illness and whether that particular condition is on the list. Some providers will also pay out percentages depending on the severity of the condition.
Vitality Health’s cover for protection of this type is known as Serious Illness Cover. When you choose cover from Vitality it will work quite differently to other providers.
Types of conditions often included in a critical illness policy include:
Cancer • heart conditions • stroke • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) • blindness • major organ transplant • loss of limb • third degree burns • dementia • motor neurone disease • multiple sclerosis
There is often a specified time period (e.g. 14 days) where the policy holder must survive, following diagnosis of the eligible critical illness.
You can choose to add critical illness cover to a life insurance policy. The policy would then pay out on either the diagnosis of a critical illness or death, whichever comes first.
You can buy your cover as a consumer or on a business (group) basis. The underwriting for each option will differ. Applications for a business policy are very straightforward and easy to administer.
High quality affordable healthcare
Be looked after by a professional
Policy plans to suit all budgets
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