What does the Select Complete policy offer?

When you are looking to source Health insurance for your business there are a number of options available. Your choices include the Select Complete policy available from Bupa.

Most people around the Globe are familiar with the Bupa brand. The Select Complete option is their comprehensive cover level and offers excellent value.

What does the Bupa Select Complete policy cover you for?

There are many benefits available from Bupa on the Select Complete policy and below we have provided you with just a few of the most important aspects of the cover.

Where we show “paid in full” this is providing you use a consultant, therapist, hospital or facility that is recognised by Bupa. Consultants must be both recognised and fee assured.

  • In-patients and day-patients treatment: PAID IN FULL
  • Out-patients consultations: PAID IN FULL
  • NHS CASH BENEFIT (In-patient): £50 per night for a max of 35 nights
  • Mental health (day and in-patients): Up to 45 days per policy year
  • Mental health (out-patients): PAID IN FULL
  • Cancer cover: PAID IN FULL

The above information is provided as a guideline only and for full confirmation of the benefits available from Bupa in the Select Complete policy and the terms and conditions that apply to private medical insurance from Bupa, please refer directly to their website:

For clients that choose to use Bupa for their company private medical insurance they may also eligible for discounts from other products available from Bupa.

If you are looking for a private medical insurance policy for your business then SMP Healthcare Ltd can help you find the right policy. As we are an independent specialist we can look at options from Bupa as well as all of the other major UK providers.

If you would like to know more you can contact us on 01245 929129 or by emailing enquiries@smphealthcare.com