Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is the most commonly offered technique of massage therapy. It is also the foundation for other types of massage including:

If you are part of a company cash plan then you may be able to claim cash back for part or all of your treatment. This will depend on your insurer and the benefit levels in place.

Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation. It is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

Swedish massage Techniques

Effleurage; This is where the therapist uses gliding strokes. It is usually the first technique to be performed as it helps the body to relax.  Your therapist can then move on to the more penetrating massage techniques.

Petrissage; A French word which means to knead or to lift. This technique allows the therapist to lift your muscle tissue and increase circulation.  This helps to make the muscles soft and pliable for the other Swedish massage techniques that follow.

Friction; Where your therapist will use compression in circular motions whilst moving across your muscle fibres. It is used to warm up the muscles of the body to be treated for deeper massage.

Vibration;  Is where the therapist will combine the compression technique and use a trembling motion with their hands across your muscles which will wake up the nerves and tissue and make the blood flow to those muscles.

Tapotement or Rhythmic Tapping; Your therapist will use the their fists, cup their hands or use the side of their hands to gentle tap across your body, which helps to manipulate the muscles and also helps to energize them.

What happens during a Swedish massage?

When booking a Swedish Massage your therapist will ask a range of questions about your health and lifestyle, helping to ensure this type of massage is right for you and also if any adaptions to the massage are necessary to meet your particular needs.

Before the massage commences the therapist will usually ask you to lay face down which will generally have a face hole, allowing your spine to stay neutral throughout the treatment. When you have a Swedish massage, the therapist will use a draping technique, using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered whilst receiving the massage and will only expose the area they are going to work on.  The therapist will then lubricate your skin with massage oil and perform the various massage techniques.

*Information Sourced: http://www.therapy-directory.org.uk/articles/massagetherapy.htmlge 

Can you claim for complementary therapies on your Cash Plan?

If you would like to know whether you have any cover available for Swedish massage under your current policy or would like assistance in finding a Cash Plan that will include cover for Swedish massage, then please contact us on 01245 929 129 or email enquires@smphealthcare.com where we will be happy to help you.