Blood pressure is a measure of the force that your heart uses to pump the blood around your body.

If it is too high, this is known as hypertension and if it is too low this is hypotension.

It is measured in mmHg and is given as 2 figures.

  • systolic pressure – this is the pressure when your heart pushes blood out.
  • diastolic pressure – referring to the pressure when your heart rests between beats.

You can buy blood pressure measuring equipment easily in a chemist or online.

The ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

When you look at Hypertension, this is often related to unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, being overweight and not exercising can all be associated with it. Excess caffeine can also be a contributory factor.

If you leave this untreated it can increase your risk of serious medical conditions such as coronary heart disease.

Hypotension is less common and can be caused as a medication side effect. It can also be caused by underlying medical conditions such as dehydration.

You can access a wealth of helpful information online in relation to controlling your blood pressure.

Blood Pressure UK are a charity who are dedicated to helping people who suffer with either condition. They provide detailed information about all aspects of measuring, knowing and understanding Hypertension or Hypotension.

By increasing your knowledge this can help you avoid the wrong lifestyle choices. As so many serious medical conditions are related to it, avoiding hypertension will help you to keep healthy.

It is reported that over a Billion people worldwide suffer with High Blood Pressure with 6 million in the UK alone. Many people do not even realise that they have it. Awareness is therefore of paramount importance.



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