When you buy a private medical insurance policy in the UK you will see in the terms and conditions that the insurer may need to request a GP Report.

They will do this if they need more details in relation to a condition you are wanting to make a claim for. Essentially they will want to make sure that you are eligible to claim for that condition.

The insurer cannot dictate how long your GP takes to provide the information that they have requested. Any delays may affect the time it takes for your claim to be authorised.

You generally cannot claim back the cost of your GP Report from your insurance policy. Charges will vary from practise to practise. You may want to check the cost prior to requesting the information so that you know how much you will need to pay.

GP reports can also be requested if you claim shortly after buying your policy. This is to ensure it was not a pre-existing condition prior to the start date.


How much does your GP charge for a medical report?

How much does your GP charge for a medical report?

When you have been referred to a specialist for treatment your health insurance provider may require a GP report. This may be needed before you can go ahead with your treatment. The insurer is not being difficult or trying to avoid honouring your claim. They just need more details in relation to your condition and a reason why the referral has been made. Your insurance provider may need clarification as to the first time you had symptoms of the condition too. Did you realise that more often than not, your GP will charge for this service? You can choose to a…