When you use the term Health Insurance, it is likely that you are referring to Private medical insurance. There are a number of products however that could fall under a general “health” insurance category.

Other health related policies include:

  • Cash plans
  • Dental Insurance
  • Hospital treatment insurance

You can buy health insurance from a number of different insurers. The best way to make sure you are getting great value is to compare your cover every year. Importantly you should make your comparison on a like for like basis.

There are a number of specialist brokers in the UK that can help you. If you use an independent broker you can access a number of insurers.

Your broker can help you understand the policy that you buy and ensure that you have no issues throughout the term of the policy contract.

Have you heard about Hospital Treatment Insurance?

Have you heard about Hospital Treatment Insurance?

When you look at the options for employee benefits, you could consider a whole range of products: Private Medical Insurance Cash Plans Dental Insurance Employee Assistance Programmes Did you also know about Hospital Treatment Insurance from Westfield Health? Surgery Choices 1 and 2 offer your employees easy access to private surgery and medical treatment. This is a community rated policy. The cost for each member of staff is exactly the same regardless of their age or location. Hospital Treatment Insurance is designed to cover non-urgent surgical procedures. It  does not offer surgical procedures for cancer, heart disease or emergency treatment….

Self employed? Then this is a must read!

Self employed? Then this is a must read!

Did you know that AXA PPP offer group private health insurance to a self-employed person? If you are already self employed or you’re thinking of becoming self employed then you really should consider a private health insurance policy. What are the benefits? This insurance can supplement what’s available on the NHS. It gives you the choice in the level of care you get and how and when it is provided. Some specialist drugs and treatments aren’t available on the NHS but are available if you have a private medical insurance policy. You get quicker access to physiotherapy sessions if you…

Underwriting, why you should choose it carefully!

Underwriting, why you should choose it carefully!

When you are looking to buy a private medical insurance policy, have you thought about the underwriting that is available? The type that you choose could affect the price that you pay for your policy. Comparing quotations can be confusing if there are different underwriting options used. Common UK underwriting methods are: Full medical underwriting Continued personal medical exclusions : CPME (when switching from one insurer to another) Moratorium Continued moratorium: CMORI (when switching from one insurer to another) Medical History Disregarded (for large company schemes) Full medical underwriting Before purchasing your policy, a full medical history declaration is completed….

How can I buy cheap health insurance?

How can I buy cheap health insurance?

What an excellent question that is! If there were a definitive answer that would be even better. Do people really want cheap health insurance or great value? I guess the trouble with the word “cheap” is that everyone has their own idea as to what cheap really is. Is it £10 or £100 per month? Maybe the better question is “how can I buy a private medical insurance policy that offers great value?” Speak to a specialist health insurance broker Talking through your primary objectives for buying a private medical insurance policy is a great starting point. If you know…

How much does your GP charge for a medical report?

How much does your GP charge for a medical report?

When you have been referred to a specialist for treatment your health insurance provider may require a GP report. This may be needed before you can go ahead with your treatment. The insurer is not being difficult or trying to avoid honouring your claim. They just need more details in relation to your condition and a reason why the referral has been made. Your insurance provider may need clarification as to the first time you had symptoms of the condition too. Did you realise that more often than not, your GP will charge for this service? You can choose to a…

Private medical insurance does not replace the NHS

Private medical insurance does not replace the NHS

As an example, if you have been advised you need a blood test and your local NHS facility can do this for you within a day or so – why not go this route rather than claim on your insurance? The same applies to any treatment. If you can access any diagnostic tests quickly via the NHS, save your insurance policy for when you really need it.

Why do health insurance premiums increase?

Why do health insurance premiums increase?

If you have ever had insurance of any type you are probably used to seeing an increase in premium each year. Whether it is house insurance, travel insurance or motor insurance, it is very rarely that we receive a renewal offer where the premium has gone down. So why do health insurance premiums increase? Health Insurance is no different to any other policy and there are a number of factors that contribute to the increase in premium. Increase due to age Every year we get older. That is a simple fact of life and unfortunately as we get older the…