Healthy Choices do not come naturally to everyone. They do however, help you to live your best life. What kind of healthy choices could you make?

  • Giving up smoking
  • Getting more exercise
  • Reducing your alcohol intake
  • Choosing healthier food

When you start to look after yourself, your risk of developing some medical conditions can dramatically reduce. The choices you make do not have to be costly. As an example, taking a 10 minute walk 3 times a day would not cost you a penny, just a little bit of effort on your part.

You do not have to become an Olympic athlete overnight and you certainly do not have to give up any specific food groups. Just a few changes in the healthy choices you make could make all the difference in the future.

Breakfast; Bacon and eggs or a beetroot smoothie?

Breakfast; Bacon and eggs or a beetroot smoothie?

So it’s Sunday morning, you’re relaxed and you have already had an early morning cuppa. What is the breakfast of choice for a Sunday morning? We all know that we really should eat healthily and not consume too much fat. Can we honestly say we opt for a beetroot smoothie because we like it? Health Benefits of beetroot: Rich in calcium and iron Rich in Vitamins A and C Excellent source of folic acid Good source of fibre, manganese and potassium Rich in fibre In fact, beetroot has been ranked as one of the most potent antioxidant vegetables. So, we…

The great Veganuary debate continues

The great Veganuary debate continues

Well here we are in January 2020 and on the radio, in the news and on social media.  The whole Veganuary debate continues. Launched in 2014, the participation has increased year on year. Not just in the UK but on a worldwide basis. The Veganuary UK website has a great deal of information explaining why they encourage people to participate.  Veganuary is actually a registered charity that encourages people to embrace being vegan in January. They hope people will continue throughout the remainder of the year. Three key factors are confirmed as: Concern for animal welfare Concern for the environment…

Christmas dinner without the guilt?

Christmas dinner without the guilt?

With the recommended daily average calorie intake for women at 2,000 and 2,500 for men it’s easy to see why you can quickly exceed your allowance when the average Christmas banquet festivities holds a whopping of 7,000 calories, it’s not surprising that the weight begins to pile on.

Why Healthy Eating is important.

Why Healthy Eating is important.

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about making sure you eat the right amount of foods from the five major food groups.

Review your health with a LiveSmart health assessment

Review your health with a LiveSmart health assessment

There are a number of things we can do at home and in our spare time to look after our health but to get a deeper insight into our health there are assessments which can help make this possible, such as the LiveSmart health assessment. What is a LiveSmart health assessment? A LiveSmart health assessment can show whether you need to cut down on certain foods and whether or not you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. It can also show you how your liver and kidneys are working and can pick up certain health problems at a much earlier stage…

6 things to see your pharmacist for

6 things to see your pharmacist for

When you cannot get an appointment with your GP, did you know that there are things you can see your pharmacist for? The average pharmacist knows much more than just dispensing medicines. Below are 6 services you could see your pharmacist for. NHS Minor Ailment Scheme – Some pharmacies offer a minor ailments service. This means a pharmacist will be able to offer advice and may be able to offer you medicines for a minor illness. This could save a visit to your GP. Illnesses supported within the scheme include, back-ache, sprains and strains, colds, conjunctivitis, constipation, coughs, diarrhoea, earache,…

Creating a low fat Christmas Dinner?

Creating a low fat Christmas Dinner?

Creating a low fat Christmas Dinner is possibly a little easier than you think. We are all aware of the effects that over-eating can have on our health. With the average Christmas day calorie consumption estimated to be over 3 times our daily recommended calorie intake, isn’t it time we looked at ways of reducing the calories we eat on this one day of the year? BBC Good Food website have provided a Christmas Day menu that comes in at 2,500 calories which knocks socks off of the massive 6,000 calories per day that it is reported many of us…