Living a Healthy Lifestyle really can reduce your chance of developing many medical conditions. Although not always the easy choice, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of contracting some conditions and illnesses.

What can you do to improve your lifestyle.

  • Giving up smoking
  • Reducing your weight
  • Getting more exercise
  • Eating more healthy foods
  • Drinking less alcohol

Simple things such as walking to the shops rather than driving can start to make a big difference.

Encouraging your children to spend less time on their computer, mobile phone or tablet and take part in sports or out door activities can help them for the future.

Save money on your health insurance

Save money on your health insurance

Save money on your health insurance 6 ways to save money on your health insurance:   Speak to an independent specialist The best way to cut cost with your health insurance is to speak to someone who is a specialist in the health insurance sector, such as a broker. A specialist broker will be able to review your existing cover, understand what you are paying for and the benefits you would like as a customer. Stick to the core benefits It is worth getting a specialist broker to review your policy to remove any benefits you may not have asked for, or…

Touch Rugby; a fun and friendly way to keep fit

Touch Rugby; a fun and friendly way to keep fit

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Is now the time to think about your sugar intake?

Is now the time to think about your sugar intake?

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The great Veganuary debate continues

The great Veganuary debate continues

Well here we are in January 2020 and on the radio, in the news and on social media.  The whole Veganuary debate continues. Launched in 2014, the participation has increased year on year. Not just in the UK but on a worldwide basis. The Veganuary UK website has a great deal of information explaining why they encourage people to participate.  Veganuary is actually a registered charity that encourages people to embrace being vegan in January. They hope people will continue throughout the remainder of the year. Three key factors are confirmed as: Concern for animal welfare Concern for the environment…

Winter worries as we start to get older

Winter worries as we start to get older

So here we are, deep in December and wondering if we will have snow this year? As we get older, the worry of the winter months increases. In deepest darkest Essex it looks unlikely we will see any of the white stuff but who knows what 2020 will bring. Our health as we get older: As we start to get older our immune systems do not work quite as well as they used to. This leaves us more prone to winter viruses such as cold and flu. In the UK, anyone over 65 is entitled to a free cold and…

5 Helpful Tips for looking after your mental health

5 Helpful Tips for looking after your mental health

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Why Healthy Eating is important.

Why Healthy Eating is important.

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about making sure you eat the right amount of foods from the five major food groups.