7 Reasons why you SHOULD use an independent Broker

7 Reasons why you SHOULD use an independent Broker

Independent brokers will have access to a variety of health insurance providers. They will use their expertise on your behalf, providing you with a full market review. Whether you are buying a new policy or renewing your current policy they can source the best product suited for your requirements.

NHS 6 Week Wait Option

NHS 6 Week Wait Option

There are many ways to reduce the cost of your company Private Medical Insurance here in the UK . The NHS 6 week option is just one of them. More and more people are looking at ways to have some form of Private Medical Insurance in place. The NHS 6 week option can offer excellent savings on your premium.  At SMP Healthcare Ltd, we want you to know that there are things you can do to make your cover more affordable. How the NHS 6 week option works: Your employees would follow the normal claiming procedure. If their GP refers…

Cheaper Health Insurance in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Cheaper Health Insurance in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Do you want to find cheaper Health Insurance? If you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland then the Aviva Signature list can help you lower your costs. The Aviva Signature hospital list offers you a significant premium reduction if you live in these areas. The Signature hospital list is available to personal and business Health Insurance plans. The Signature hospital list provides cover in private hospitals in Scotland and Northern Ireland. It also offers you the facility to use NHS-Pay beds in hospitals in Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can download the current Aviva hospital list from the following link:…

The true cost of Private Medical Insurance

The true cost of Private Medical Insurance

The cost of your Insurance will vary depending on your age, where you live and your claims and medical history. I adamantly believe that the value of a cup of coffee has no comparison to the peace of mind I have from knowing that I have great Health Insurance in place. I know I can rapidly access medical treatment should the worst happen and at a lesser cost than a daily cappuccino. From a personal perspective I know which luxury is more important to me.

Simply Switch to Save

Simply Switch to Save

You may think why should I bother? Changing provider might actually offer you an increased level of cover without increasing your budget. That has to be worth the effort. If you choose to work with a specialist broker, they will do all the hard work for you. We can explain in detail how the Switch to Save offer would work for you.