You may have heard of glaucoma. It is a very common medical condition that can affect people of any age. Adults in their 70’s and 80’s are more likely to be affected.

You may not experience any symptoms initially. Your vision will deteriorate over time. As there are minimal symptoms it is important that you have regular eye tests as they do check for glaucoma.

It is not possible to reverse any loss of sight that occurred before diagnosis however, once you have had glaucoma diagnosed you may need one or a combination of the following to avoid your sight deteriorating further:

  • Eye Drops
  • Laser Treatment
  • Surgery


World Glaucoma week, 8th -14th March 2020

World Glaucoma week, 8th -14th March 2020

Every year The World Glaucoma Week takes on a common theme and adapts it to local communities. This creates and effective awareness project relevant to the general population. There are many issues that need to be addressed to try and eliminate glaucoma blindness. The earlier the diagnosis in patients the better. The earlier glaucoma is discovered and treated, it is less likely that a person will become blind. World Glaucoma Week aims to alert members of the wider community of the need to have eye checks at regular intervals. Regular eye checks would ensure earlier detection of glaucoma and heighten…