Within this Conditions & Treatments category we have provided you with information relating to various medical conditions and how they may be treated. The information provided does not take the place of a diagnosis from a medical professional.

If you are feeling unwell please refer to your NHS GP or Private GP for help. We are not trained medical professionals and cannot advise anyone on specific medical conditions & treatments pathways.

Articles about conditions such as gout or meningitis can be found here along with specific medical open events at local private hospital facilities. Events like this are free to attend and really informative. They provide the public with accurate medical information from Specialists and Consultants who work in the NHS and private sectors.

How to choose a specialist or consultant

How to choose a specialist or consultant

So your GP has told you that you need to see a consultant. How do you choose a consultant or specialist for your appointment. Can your GP recommend someone specifically or can you do your own online research? The experts at Ascend Health can help you to work out how you go about choosing which specialist to contact for your medical treatment.

Brain Tumour awareness Month – March 2023

Brain Tumour awareness Month – March 2023

If you are looking for a charity to support this month, why not consider www.braintumourresearch.org, who are holding their Brain Tumour Awareness Month again this year? Launched in 2004 and still going strong, this event was designed to raise awareness and the funding required to continue with vital research. The vision for Brain Tumour Research is clear – to find a cure for all types of brain cancer. How you can get involved in Brain Tumour Awareness Month Friday 31st March 2023 is Wear a Hat Day. Part of Brain Tumour Awareness Month, this is well supported by the charity’s…

What is Burnout?

What is Burnout?

You will have heard about this condition before, but what is ‘burnout’? The World Health Organisation recognised it as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ in 2019. It is described as a state of both mental and physical exhaustion. Long-term work stress and working in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long period of time is a key factor. What are the common signs of burnout? There are several signs relating to burnout, and these include: Feeling tired or drained A feeling of helplessness and defeat Self-doubt Feeling overwhelmed Having a cynical or negative outlook Unless the underlying issues causing burnout…

Does health insurance cover you for cosmetic surgery?

Does health insurance cover you for cosmetic surgery?

Your Health Insurance is designed to cover you for the treatment of acute medical conditions. Cosmetic surgery does not fall into this category because you are choosing to have surgery or a medical procedure to change your appearance. The same ruling applies with Dental Insurance. Cosmetic Dental treatment is excluded under the terms and conditions of the policies available from our panel of providers.

What is a Stroke?

What is a Stroke?

Depending on your Health Insurance provider, you may have cover on your policy for rehabilitation once your initial treatment via the NHS has been completed. Insurers such as Vitality Health offer you rehabilitation of up to 21 days following a period on in-patient treatment. AXA Health also cover a short period of rehabilitation on their Business Health, Personal Health, InSpire and Health for You policies.

Are you at risk of getting Gout?

Are you at risk of getting Gout?

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the bloodstream. Gout can result in sudden and severe pain in your joints (normally the big toe, fingers, wrists, elbows or knees. It can present with red, hot and swollen skin across the joint that has been affected.

Varicose Veins advice at Springfield Hospital

Varicose Veins advice at Springfield Hospital

As a health insurance broker I’m often asked whether the varicose vein treatment is available on a health insurance policy. This is a really grey area. Treatment for this medical condition has a very specific criteria on health insurance policies. Treatment is not available because you believe your veins look unsightly. Health insurance will not cover treatment for conditions for cosmetic reasons. If your consultant believes you need to have treatment for your varicose veins for medical reasons then your insurer will review the claim for you and assess it on a case by case basis. 26th Feb 2020, Varicose…

Raynaud’s Awareness Month February 2020

Raynaud’s Awareness Month February 2020

Raynaud’s Awareness Month is being honoured this February. The Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK (SRUK) charity will be campaigning to continue to help increase awareness and understanding of this condition.  They want people to know why it is important that we knows the signs and symptoms. Overview of Raynaud’s Raynaud’s is a common condition. It occurs as a result of the small blood vessels being over-sensitive to even the slightest change in temperature, the cold and sometimes stress. It most commonly affects the hands, feet, fingers and toes. Although there is no cure, there are many steps individuals can take to…