When you feel unwell it is always tempting to type your symptoms into google. Unfortunately many medical conditions carry the same symptoms and therefore you could easily end up wrongly diagnosing your illness.

If you are poorly you should always speak to a medical professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Preventing Heart Disease

Preventing Heart Disease

Whatever your age it is essential to try and keep your heart healthy and The British Heart Foundation (BHF) confirm that this is the most important thing we can do to help prevent and manage heart disease. The BHF provide a number of ways we can look after our hearts on their website and these include: Healthy Eating can help you to prevent Heart Disease A healthy diet can help reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop you gaining weight, reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. The BHF advise us to think of foods…

What is High Cholesterol?

What is High Cholesterol?

If you have already been diagnosed with High Cholesterol and do not have a private medical insurance policy in place, some health insurers do offer the opportunity to cover treatment of new medical conditions associated with this condition at no extra cost. This helps to provide you with peace of mind if you suffer from any of the complications High Cholesterol can cause.

About Parkinson’s disease

About Parkinson’s disease

About Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition. It affects about one in 500 people which equivalents to approximately 127,000 people within the UK alone. It is not easy to diagnose Parkinson’s and it is important that the diagnosis is made by a specialist. Although most people who get Parkinson’s tend to be over 50, it is also possible that younger people can get it too. People with Parkinson’s don’t have enough of a chemical called dopamine because some nerve cells in their brain have died. Without dopamine people can find that their movements become slower so it…

Raynaud’s Awareness Month

Raynaud’s Awareness Month

Raynaud’s is a syndrome where generally the fingers and toes over respond to cold or stress, causing these areas of the body to sometimes change colour, but not always, from white, to blue, to red. When this occurs it can be very uncomfortable and a possible painful process, making the easiest of daily tasks very difficult.

Coeliac Disease: Are you suffering in silence?

Coeliac Disease: Are you suffering in silence?

This condition affects one in 100 people and the charity confirms that only 24% of people that have this condition have been diagnosed. These stats mean that it leaves nearly half a million people without an official diagnosis.  With that in mind we have listed the symptoms which Coeliac UK advise can be associated with coeliac disease

Look after your feet with Chiropody

Look after your feet with Chiropody

If you have Private Medical Insurance or a Cash Plan it is worth checking to see if chiropody treatment is covered. The price of a private chiropodist will vary depending on where you live and their level of experience. Chiropody and Podiatry is one and the same thing. The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists confirm that there is no difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrists in the UK. They all deal with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the lower limb. They are qualified to treat people with arthritis, diabetes, nail surgery and sports injuries. Working with people of…

A look at acupuncture

A look at acupuncture

This month we focus on the practice of acupuncture, a form of therapy now recognised by many of the leading private medical insurers in the UK and often covered in the therapies section of their policies.
SMP Healthcare’s Lianne Muller has spoken to Edward Waller BSc. Lic Ac. MAAcC in depth about this traditional method of healing.