Health & Wellbeing covers a truly broad spectrum of topics. Here you can find information about different therapies, exercise styles and clubs that can help you to improve your Health & Wellbeing for now and the future.

Whether you want to find out about the services that a hospice provides or how to cut the calories in your Christmas dinner. There is information in the Health & Wellbeing category for everyone.

We know that private health insurance offers you great access to medical treatment but there are many things that you can do to improve your health which could help you to avoid becoming ill in the first place.

Make the most of the help and information available to you. We know there will be many more blogs dropping into this category soon.

Physical exercise can help your mental health

Physical exercise can help your mental health

If you suffer with mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety, becoming physically active can assist in improving your mood. Physical exercise can help your mental health in a number of ways, and it doesn’t have to be joining a CrossFit box or running a marathon. By simply moving your body more, you are increasing your physical exercise. There are a number of physical exercises that you can do at home, including: Chair exercises Gardening Active household chores such as hoovering or cleaning windows Playing active computer games Walking up and down your stairs Doing stretching exercises while watching…

Why you should think about health screening

Why you should think about health screening

Health screening and assessments are an excellent way of monitoring your health. If you think about health screening and the benefit it can give you, why would you hesitate? As some medical conditions can live undetected in your system, health screening can be a good way of finding out more about your health. When you know what is going on in your body, you have a chance to make lifestyle changes that will give you a healthier future. You can choose different levels of screening and there are a number of facilities and providers. The cost will depend on how…

Save money on your health insurance

Save money on your health insurance

Save money on your health insurance 6 ways to save money on your health insurance:   Speak to an independent specialist The best way to cut cost with your health insurance is to speak to someone who is a specialist in the health insurance sector, such as a broker. A specialist broker will be able to review your existing cover, understand what you are paying for and the benefits you would like as a customer. Stick to the core benefits It is worth getting a specialist broker to review your policy to remove any benefits you may not have asked for, or…

The importance of using a health insurance broker

The importance of using a health insurance broker

The importance of using a health insurance broker   What is the importance of using a health insurance broker? Well, a health insurance broker can find the best suited-medical insurance for your needs and budget, and there are at least 5 advantages for you not to source this on your own.   We are a human version of a cost comparison website. We have knowledge and expertise. We help you understand what a policy covers. We make sure you choose the right benefits and don’t pay for what you don’t need.   What is the importance of using a health…

Is walking the perfect form of exercise?

Is walking the perfect form of exercise?

As the minimum recommendation from doctors is for us to do at least 150 minutes of activity per week.  This can be broken down into smaller chunks of time and easily absorbed in our daily routine. These activity hours help you to keep your body healthy and prevent illness.