Hopi Ear Candles – Thermo-Auricular Therapy

Hopi Ear Candling is also known as Thermo-Auricular Therapy. It is an ancient, non-invasive complementary therapy where the professional use of Hopi Ear Candles claim to treat and provide relief for a variety of conditions.

Hopi Ear Candles can treat the following conditions associated with the head, ears, noise and throat, including:

  • Tinnitus
  • Compacted Ear Wax
  • Glue Ear
  • Sore Throats
  • Hay Fever
  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis;
  • Regulation of pressure in the ears and head

What to expect during a session

Your therapist will discuss your medical history and current symptoms to assess if this therapy is right for you. If it is, they will confirm how it may help your condition.

Sessions will usually last for 40 minutes to an hour.  You will be paced in a comfortable position on your side and the candle will be placed into your ear canal, a collecting plate is placed above the ear to protect against any hot wax or ash falling on you once the candle has been lit. Each candle will take approximately 10-12 minutes to burn.

You should not feel any pain when you have Hopi Ear Candle treatment. However, you are likely to experience crackling sounds as the candle burns. You will feel a warm and gentle massaging sensation in the ear as it draws wax and fungus deposits from deep inside your ear canal. Once completed, the process is then repeated on your other ear.

When both ears have been treated, your therapist will massage the area around the ears and face to encourage lymphatic drainage. This will help to enhance the effects of the treatment. Many people confirm an immediate relief of pressure following the session.

* Information sourced from http://www.therapy-directory.org.uk/articles/ear-candling.html

Cash Plans and Thermo-Auricular Therapy

Hopi Ear Candling is a popular complementary therapy. Not only relieve the conditions mentioned above, but also to promote a feeling of calm and well-being. Some Cash Plan providers have recognised the potential this alternative therapy has to offer and will refund part or all of the cost of your treatments. You must ensure that you use a registered and qualified therapist. One of the recognised qualifications being an IIHT. This stands for International Institute for Health and Holistic Therapies, which is a qualification under the umbrella of the Federation of Holistic Therapists.

SMP Healthcare Ltd can look at whether your cash plan policy covers Hopi Ear Candling and advise you of the other complementary therapies your plan offers which you may wish to consider. We can also assist you should you wish to buy a Cash Plan which incorporates this benefit, simply contact us on 01245 929 129 or email enquires@smphealthcare.com