What is Aviva’s Selected Benefit reduction option 7?

Do you have a business private medical insurance policy with Aviva? If you do and are looking for ways to reduce your annual premium, you could consider the Selected Benefit Reduction, Option 7? If you are looking at the renewal of your policy and they are not your current provider, you could look at switching to Aviva as an alternative provider. Adding Option 7 to your cover might offer you additional savings.

The Selected Benefit Reduction Option 7 from Aviva will remove cover for the following:

  • Emergency overseas cover
  • Treatment for the complications of pregnancy and childbirth
  • Investigations into the cause of infertility
  • Surgical procedures on the teeth performed in a hospital

What you should consider before adding Option 7 to your health insurance policy:

Complications of pregnancy and childbirth & investigations into infertility

The age profile of your policy could affect your choice of adding Option 7. If your staff members and their family are not within the age range that may make pregnancy/ childbirth and infertility an important benefit to have then it may be worth considering the removal of this benefit.

Emergency Overseas Cover

Emergency Overseas cover is not a benefit to be confused with travel insurance as the two things are different.

Aviva confirm their Emergency overseas cover as follows:

“This is not travel insurance and cover is restricted to the treatment of emergency conditions that are serious enough to need an immediate admission to hospital as an in-patient or day-patient. If a member feels this level of cover is not appropriate for them or that they may need more cover they should consider taking out a travel insurance policy.”

Aviva do not pay for treatment outside the UK other than provided under the limited emergency overseas cover. Therefore if you or your staff are frequent travellers, you may need to consider whether you need this element of cover or whether you are happy with the cover provided in your travel insurance policy.

Oral Surgery from Aviva

The oral surgery option should not be confused with routine dental care and treatment. If you apply option 7 to your policy this will remove cover for surgical procedures on the teeth performed in a hospital.

The above information has been sourced from https://www.aviva.co.uk/business/health-protection-wellbeing/health-insurance/private-medical-insurance-sme/

Would you like to know more about how you can save money on your private medical insurance policy? You may not even need to make any major changes to the benefits you have in place. As you can see from the Aviva Selected Benefit Reduction Option 7, this would not affect the key benefits on your policy.

Let the team at SMP Healthcare help you to compare health insurance policies when your renewal is due. Our experience in the market can help you save money by making simple changes.

You can contact us by emailing enquiries@smphealthcare.com or by telephone 01245 929129