Migraine Awareness in 2023

Migraine Awareness in 2023

Suffering from migraines can really affect your life and some sufferers feel as though they cannot find the help they need to cope with migraines. The Migraine Trust are actively trying to increase migraine awareness.

Physical exercise can help your mental health

Physical exercise can help your mental health

If you suffer with mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety, becoming physically active can assist in improving your mood. Physical exercise can help your mental health in a number of ways, and it doesn’t have to be joining a CrossFit box or running a marathon. By simply moving your body more, you are increasing your physical exercise. There are a number of physical exercises that you can do at home, including: Chair exercises Gardening Active household chores such as hoovering or cleaning windows Playing active computer games Walking up and down your stairs Doing stretching exercises while watching…

Active Essex; Making a real difference

Active Essex; Making a real difference

Adults should aim to take part in some form of activity or exercise on a daily basis. Active Essex are a publicly funded organisation hosted by Essex County Council. Their aim is to make sport and physical activity accessible to all Essex residents. The website is full of helpful information and Active Essex is just one of 43 Active networks across the UK. Accessible information is available in relation to the following areas: Jobs and Opportunities Training and Courses Children and Young People Development of Clubs, volunteers and coaches How to get people active in the workplace News relating to…

Touch Rugby; a fun and friendly way to keep fit

Touch Rugby; a fun and friendly way to keep fit

Touch rugby is a sport available for anyone to play. 02 Touch rugby is open to men and women over 17 years of age. It is reported to be an excellent way to keep fit. People of all abilities are encouraged to take part in this social fitness activity. Unlike normal rugby, there are no rucks, no malls and no scrums. This may be slightly more appealing to many people. Touch rugby is said to be a fantastic way to improve your cardio-vascular fitness and burn fat. For people who love the game of rugby, it is a social, energetic…

Self employed? Then this is a must read!

Self employed? Then this is a must read!

Did you know that AXA PPP offer group private health insurance to a self-employed person? If you are already self employed or you’re thinking of becoming self employed then you really should consider a private health insurance policy. What are the benefits? This insurance can supplement what’s available on the NHS. It gives you the choice in the level of care you get and how and when it is provided. Some specialist drugs and treatments aren’t available on the NHS but are available if you have a private medical insurance policy. You get quicker access to physiotherapy sessions if you…

Is walking the perfect form of exercise?

Is walking the perfect form of exercise?

As the minimum recommendation from doctors is for us to do at least 150 minutes of activity per week.  This can be broken down into smaller chunks of time and easily absorbed in our daily routine. These activity hours help you to keep your body healthy and prevent illness.