There are so many things to consider when you buy a health insurance policy. Making the right choice of private hospitals is something you should definitely consider. Some private medical insurance providers offer just one complete list whilst others break their hospitals down into different groups. These different hospital lists have different costs associated with them.
London Private Hospital Lists
If you want to include cover for the high charging London hospitals, some providers offer this at an additional premium. Removing the London Private Hospitals can reduce the annual premium paid.
Examples of London private hospital cover from the UK insurers:
Aviva’s London hospital list is known as Extended
Vitality Health’s London hospital list is known as London Care
AXA Health offer one list incorporating the London hospitals
PHC’s London hospital list is known simply as the London Upgrade.
Standard Private Hospital Lists
Each provider has a different name for their “standard” hospital list. They essentially offer a good coverage countywide. They may however exclude some or all of the higher charging London facilities.
Examples of standard private hospital options:
Aviva’s standard hospital list is known as Key
Vitality Health’s standard hospital list is known as Countrywide
Freedom Health Insurance’s standard hospital list is simply known as standard.
Save money by reducing the Hospital list you choose
Many of the UK private Health Insurance providers will offer a reduced hospital list option as a cost containment choice for their clients.
Examples of cost containment options:
Aviva’s Scotland and Northern Ireland hospital list is known as Signature
Vitality Health’s reduced hospital list is known as Local
You can also look at taking a guided option from your insurer. This means that you allow them to choose the consultant and hospital that you go to for treatment. Where available, this type of policy can offer you significant savings in premium.
There are many different providers in the UK health insurance market. The information we have provided are just a few examples of the hospital lists available.
Are you looking for a health insurance policy or looking to renew your current cover? The team at SMP Healthcare are happy to help you find the right cover with the private hospital lists suitable for your own requirements. You can contact us on 01245 929129 or by email